United States Postal Service (USPS) Address Validation

The USPS Service is used to validate addresses in the Airworthiness Certification (AWC) application. If an exact match to an address entered is not found in USPS, the User Address USPS Validation window displays providing the following override options:

To Use the Address Entered

  1. Click the radio button next to Use the Address Entered.
  2. Click Select. The system displays a confirmation message to accept the address override.
  3. Click Yes to accept or No to return to the User Address USPS Validation & Override window to make changes.

To Use the USPS Recommended Address

  1. Click the radio button next to Use the USPS Recommended Address.
  2. Click Select. The system displays a confirmation message to accept the address override.
  1. Click Yes to accept or No to return to the User Address USPS Validation & Override window to make changes.

To Edit Address and Revalidate

  1. Click the radio button next to Edit Address and Revalidate.
  2. Edit the address information (Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip/Postal Code and Country).
  3. Click Select.